Kitchen Necessities

We all reside in different dwelling spaces, despite what that may look like or the geographic location it is imperative that you have a few simple items to ensure that you are able prepare, heat and eat nutritious food sources. To appropriately cook your food you will need a heat source typically this would be a stove top. Stove tops provide precise heating and will heat your food quickly. A stove top will either be gas or electric; electric stove tops are preferred over natural gas stove tops. Electric stove tops have smoother surfaces, are easy to use and are affordable. However what should you do if you don't have a stove top?? Preparing your food is half the battle you will then need additional items to later consume your meal so that you will get the energy necessary for your body to function properly. For this you will need flatware, plates and drinking cups. 

~An alternative heat source to a stove top can be an electric skillet. An electric skillet is composed of a nonstick aluminum metal cast pan, a detachable cord with an adjustable thermostat that has a temperature range of 200-400°F, a tempered glass lid and either metal or plastic cool side handles. Electric skillets are great for camping, road living or the preparation of single meals. The nonstick surface of the electric skillet makes it easy to clean.

~Flatware is made from malleable/flattened sheets of metal that is cut and stamped into form. The metal is then covered with stainless steel making it resistant to corrosion and dishwasher safe. You will need at least a fork, spoon and knife for each person. ***The knife can also be used as a flathead screw driver if you don't have one available.

~Plates, Reusable water bottle and glass drinking cups to keep yourself hydrated #water water water. Glass is made from quartz a natural mineral found in sand, soil and rocks; when broken down it becomes particles known as silica that can be heated and cooled to for glass. Historically glass was given as gifts to powerful people. 

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