
We all have consumed a great meal that resulted in us feeling so full that it is almost impossible to move afterwards. With our stomachs filled with so much of what we had eaten that it almost compelled us to fall asleep, or we actually did as we waited for the food to digest. Other times we were reminded why we should have stopped prior to that full feeling as the unfortunate heartburn set in until the food was later digested.
Although we know that a full stomach is an indicator that digestion will occur sooner or later, it actually begins when you take that first bite of food! The digestive system is composed of structures that are connected so that it enables food travel. Those large structures include the: mouth, throat, stomach and intestines and all food consumed travels the following path:

  • The mouth contains teeth for chewing and enzymes that break the food down
  • The throat has a tube that connects to the mouth and stomach which enables food transportation
  • The stomach receives the food and contains acidic ions and enzymes that further breakdown consumed food
  • The intestines will then absorb any nutrients that the body can use and forms wasted products to be evacuated

Heartburn/Indigestion can occur when there is an overproduction of stomach acid that is necessary to break down the food source. The result is the overflowing of the stomach acid into the throat. Heartburn/Indigestion can be experienced if the body hasn't been given enough time to digest our food, this is why it is recommended that you wait 30 minutes prior to laying down after a meal. Heartburn can be avoided by drinking water with your meals but in severe cases can be treated using over-the-counter and/or prescription medications to reduce the over production of stomach acid.

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