Pan-seared Salmon


2 Wild Caught Salmon fillets
1 TBS Minced Garlic
1 TBS Minced Onion
1 TBS Paprika
1 TBS Black Pepper
2 TBS Creole Seasoning
1Tsp Red Pepper Flakes
1/2 Cup Cooking Oil
1/2 Fresh Lemon

1. Prepare salmon marinade by combing cooking oil & seasoning in mixing bowl and stir, in a separate bowl cover salmon with marinade, cover bowl and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes.
2. Heat electric skillet to 250 degrees add salmon, cover, sear by cooking for 12 minutes on each side.
3. Drizzle with fresh lemon juice when done and serve with your favorite vegetables.

Optional Butter Sauce
If you would like an additional sauce to you salmon combine 2 TBS of butter and 1 Tsp of red pepper flakes in a microwave safe dish, stir, cover with paper towel and heat for 30-45 seconds until butter is melted and drizzle on cooked salmon.

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