Yoga & Stretching


There are some of us that need a more relaxed approach to physical fitness, so this is where yoga and stretching are an option. Yoga is a practice that focuses on mental, spiritual and physical alignments composed of various poses that require breathing deeply as your body comes into balance. Some advantages to yoga are the body becoming more flexible as well as a reduction in stress, anxiety and insomnia. Yoga is also a great practice for activating healing energy in your body to promote better health and wellness, to learn more about energy healing click here.

Stretching is also a meditative practice that can assist you with balance and mental stillness. I began stretching to loosen tight muscles that occurred over the years after an extended career in healthcare. I continued my stretching while residing in Chicago especially after my experiencing an automobile accident where I was the pedestrian. Later while residing in Louisiana, I perfected my stretching by being able to stretch the muscles of my extremities and my core. This was achieved by my developing my own stretching regimen to stretch my muscles from my head to my toes.

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