The Automatic Washer & Dryer

The washing machine and dryer were game changing inventions that transformed the management of clothing items. Historically prior to their inception our ancestors had to rely on the use of wash boards or washing their clothes by hand and dry them by hanging them on a line. The washing machine and dryer literally saves you time in life, the washer cleans your clothes for you so that you can invest your time doing something else. The dryer then continues to save you time by drying your clothes so that they are available for immediate wear.

The first washing machine was invented in the late 1800's with the first automatic washing machine being developed and patented in the 1930's. The average time of a washing machine cycle is one hour; think of the number of things that you can get done while the washing machine is working for you! A successful washing cycle begins with the activation of the internal motor using the control panel located outside the machine. The motor prompts the flow of hot water or cold water into the tub through the inlet valve. The agitator then rotates in a circular motion to circulate the soapy water on to the clothes to clean them. The water pump then drains the soapy water out of the tub using the drain hose so that the inlet valve can then flow hot or cold water into the tub to rinse the clothes. The water pump then drains the rinse water through the drain hose as the agitator spins in a rapid circular motion.

The first dryer was engineered in the late 1800's and the first automatic dryer was invented in the 1930's. The average drying time for a dryer is 45 minutes which also gives you time to complete other tasks for to take a moment for yourself while it is running. For a drying cycle to provide you with warm clothes the control panel located on the outside of the machine activates the motor that controls the belt attached to the drum that holds the clothes. It is the drum support rollers that keep the drum in place as it rotates in a circular motion. The heating elements control the air temperature inside the dryer to dry your clothes and the exhaust duct is the pipe that removes the heat, moisture and some lint as the dryer drum rotates. The lint trap then captures any additional lint, fabric particles or fabric for you to dispose of after the drying cycle. 

Machine options

The automated washing machine runs on electric power however the dryer can be powered by either electric power or gas power. Automatic washing machines have loading options therefore clothes can be loaded from the top of the machine or from the front of the machine. There is also a stackable machine option which combines the washing machine and dryer into one unit which is great for smaller spaces.


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