Creamy Tuscan Gnocchi

16oz package of gnocchi
4TBS minced garlic
1 onion chopped
1 tomato bouillon cube
1 tomato chopped
3TBS butter
1 TBS olive oil
1.5 cups of water
1 cup of frozen spinach thawed
1.5 cups of half-n-half
1tsp black pepper
3oz parmesan cheese
2TBS dried basil
1TBS Italian seasoning

1. Heat electric skillet to 350 degrees add butter, olive oil and onion sauté for 3 minutes then add garlic and sauté for an additional 2 minutes

2. Reduce heat to 200 degrees and add gnocchi sauté for 5 minutes

3. Next add tomato bouillon, water and Italian seasoning cover and simmer for 5 minutes

4. Then stir in spinach and pepper reduce temperature to warm and stir in parmesan cheese and basil simmer for an additional 7 minutes and serve


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