Bees and Allergies

The bee family consists of the matriarch known as the queen and the drones that complete tasks that are required for the survival of the family. Bees pollinate plants when they travel from one plant to another carrying pollen on their legs, they assist the plants in producing offspring.  When at home the bees produce honey as a byproduct that can later be used as a food source during winter months. Did you know that local honey can assist humans who deal with seasonal allergies?? Allergies are caused by the pollen produced by plants, trees, grass ect when the human body is exposed to an excessive amount of pollen the body produces a chemical substance known as histamine it is this release of histamine that then causes allergy symptoms such as watery eyes, runny nose, sneezing and scratchy throat. OTC and prescription medications that are used to treat allergies contain an antihistamine component that reverses the allergy symptoms. Local bees can assist us by providing a holistic approach to managing allergies when humans consume local honey. 

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